We are proud to offer our comprehensive services for you. The North Houston Spine & Sports Medicine chiropractic clinic for auto accident and sports injuries in Spring has been practicing our chiropractic care in the Houston area for more than 20 years. We have exceptional services that will not keep you waiting. For your convenience, we’ve broken down our services and listed them out.
If you are looking to set up an appointment, we can refer you to our contact page. However, if you think you might want to learn more about the different treatments that we offer, feel free to browse through our pages!
Auto-Related Injuries Are Our Specialty!

Auto Injuries Can Be Very Serious. Let Us Help!
Before we get into our treatments, remember, we are here to help if you get injured in a car wreck. We understand that getting into a car accident can be serious for everyone involved. It may not just be damage to your car, but you could have suffered in the process. Whether it is severe or even minor, it could be aggravated without proper care. In order to ensure that you make a full recovery, you should give us a call. We offer free consultations and employ a bilingual staff in a fully furnished facility.
Don’t try and walk off your injuries, get the help you need from us! Our Spring chiropractic clinic for auto accidents, sports injuries and family treatment will make you feel right at home and we can make a big difference without all of the invasive operations that a hospital might prescribe. Check out our page on auto injury to get a better idea of how we can help.
Services Available At North Houston Spine & Sports Medicine
We are going to be able to support all types of people. Whether you sustain a sports injury, or just a pain while you were at home in the garden. There is treatment available for you, and we will make it worth your while. Keep in mind that all of our patients will receive an adjustment on each of their visits, as well. We want to make sure you know you’re taken care of!
Head, Neck, & Back Pain
North Houston Spine & Sports Medicine is a Spring area chiropractic clinic that provides intense treatments for auto accident and sport-related injuries that can range from state-of-the-art cold laser therapy to our very traditional acupuncture work. They have proven to be very effective and we hope they will help you, too!
Legs & Arms Too!
We are not going to be strictly focused on just your back. Our practice believes that a holistic approach is best. We want to make sure that you get the full-body care that you deserve. There can be many advantages to this, and we go more in-depth on each of them. If you hover over one that might be of interest, you can make a note of it and let our team know. We will be happy to set up treatment for you!

What can we do for you?
You can select any of these options and view more information about them. Also, if you need to access the new patient paperwork or you would like to know more about how you can get started, click here! When you need a Spring chiropractic clinic that provides quality auto accident and sports injury treatments, come to North Houston Spine & Sports Medicine.
We are giving chiropractic services to the communities of Houston, Spring, The Woodlands and Humble TX. We accept health insurance coverage of many health companies like Aetna, Blue Cross Blue Shield, and Anthem Blue Cross.
Humble TX Blue Cross Blue Shield Chiropractor | Houston TX Aetna HMO Chiropractic Coverage