It’s no secret that when you’re out and about, you will probably be using your arms a lot. They are needed for holding items, controlling tools and serve as the first line for physical sensation or direct analysis. That is why it can be very tedious to have shoulder pain constantly restricting you from full access. An injured shoulder can keep you from being able to lift items or raise your arms above your head. It can drastically reduce your range of motion, and your strength as well. Making sure that your shoulders are taken care of and pain-free is a job for the chiropractor. With an excellent understanding of the musculoskeletal system and the nervous system that is connected to that, they can work with you and bring you back to health. Come and see North Houston Spine and Sports Medicine today for your free consultation. We can help find the problem and solve it with natural techniques rather than expensive patch-ups like medication. Through a chiropractor’s diligence, you can regain more access from your shoulders and reduce pains that have been disrupting your day.
Possible Injuries
When it comes to your shoulder, there are only a finite amount of options that can be causing pain. It could be a result of a nerve issue such as brachial plexopathy, or some sort ligament damage like your rotator cuff. These can occur in injury or accident, and some people have the misfortune of being born with an injury to the shoulders. There are also multiples muscles that go into the shoulder and its uses. That means injuries like a strain or tear in the muscle can be possible, as well as damages to the bones. Fractures and other bone damage such as osteoarthritis can incur lots of shoulder pain. If you are feeling shoulder pain, you should talk to your doctor. As you can see, it can be a result of many different things so you’ll have to explain the experience descriptively. The chiropractor is here to help find a diagnosis and treat your injury right away. This is hopefully without any invasive surgery or extensive medications that only mask the issue rather than treat the problem directly.

Surgery If Needed
In the event that the injury is more severe, surgery could be a possible option. There are many operations that could occur to deal with the shoulder. Often times they are successful and take care of the problem. A chiropractor will work to keep your arm in the best condition to avoid surgery, but if it is necessary, then the proper steps will be made. Otherwise, the best route to take will be physical therapy. This should occur whether or not surgery is needed, but if the surgery does occur, it will work even better. If an extensive injury occurs that requires a high degree of medical attention, then the shoulder could suffer from not being used and pain or fear of pain could limit mobility and strength. It’s not healthy to regrow an injured shoulder with poor form or lack of flexibility, you can suffer further on down the road. Lack of coordination leads to overcompensation and eventually, another injury if you’re not careful. Hopefully, physical therapy after surgery will help protect from issues such as this.
Preventive Measures
This is why we encourage physical therapy after an injury regardless of its severity. You don’t just want the pain to go away, that is not a solution. It is in your best interest to completely fix the source of the problem. In doing so, you can instill proper habits that will lead to better use of your shoulder. This can be taught and revealed through our physical therapy programs. We will be working hands-on to make the problem dissipate. Whether through stretching, electric stimulation or nerve tests, there are countless ways to bring the best back out of you. To ensure that shoulder pain does not cause problems for you, rehabilitate it after use. Even though you may not feel pain or discourse, it would be best to stretch or ice the arm. This can help prevent a prolonged injury from resurfacing, too. Keeping awareness such will do wonders in protecting you from further injury.