There are a number of nerves that make up our body, they are all connected to the brain through a large network. Each nerve is connected to a different location and regards to a very specific informational pathway. For example, you can have nerves in your hand and some in your stomach. They are everywhere and are utilized in conveying sensory data to the brain for computation. When you receive stimulation from somewhere on the body, its the nerves which react to that. The body will communicate through the nerves to make actions in regards to whatever stimulation. There is a particular nerve however that is immensely important in motor functions. This is the sciatic nerve; it is a long nerve running from the lower spine and down the legs. The most critical issue in regard to these nerves is what to do if they’re injured. When this occurs, its referred to as sciatica. For Spring area sciatica treatment, nerve therapy and spinal decompression, North Houston Spine & Sports Medicine can help. The focus of this webpage is all about sciatica, and its treatment.
What Does The Sciatic Nerve Do?
This is the largest nerve in the human body, each person will have two of these nerves. They are integral for the use of your leg muscles and sensations on the legs. Through these nerves, the spinal cord can communicate with your lower half. When a nerve functions, it operates by using the discharge of electric impulses. These impulses contain coded information about the situation that a local area has encountered. For the sciatic nerve, the information is sent through the spinal cord and up to the brain where the message is deciphered. From there a new message is sent out from the brain, containing a solution or action. This message passes through the same pathways, down the spinal cord and to the sciatic nerve where the muscles are told what to do. It is perhaps one of the most important nerves because of its connection to the legs. Damage to these nerves can become very tedious and even debilitating if it grows worse or left untreated.
How Does The Sciatic Nerve Get Injured?
The most common way to damage a nerve is through spinal compression. Over time, wear and form, the vertebrae in the back can press harder and harder upon the nerves. This results in stress and wears on the nerve roots. For the sciatic nerve, the nerves roots are located in the lumbar area of the back known as radicular nerves. When these nerves are damaged through compression, it is called lumbar radicular nerve pain. However, the more common term is Sciatica. This can cause a shooting pain up the leg, tingling and numbness, or radiating pain all throughout the lower back and upper legs. It usually only affects one side of the body but if depending on where the damage is, that can pain can spread all the way to the toes and foot. The pain will be unique to every patient. Some cases will be severe and debilitating while others may experience infrequent irritation. Nevertheless, this injury can be very serious if left untreated and should not be overlooked. When you are looking for sciatica treatment and nerve therapy in Spring, contact North Houston Spine & Sports Medicine for more information on spinal decompression.

How Can I Treat Sciatica?
Depending on the severity of sciatica, you may be bedridden for months with surgery on the way, or completely pain-free in a matter of weeks. This is based on whether the sciatica is acute or not. If so, the pain is usually going to subside after a while with triggers only flaring up from time to time. In this case, you won’t even need to get medical attention. However, if it is a little more serious, you might want to consider getting some sort of treatment from a chiropractor. They have great techniques that can relieve pain and increase healing within the region. Sometimes the pressure of the spine is the cause of sciatica and this is one of the benefits that chiropractors offer. It’s titled spinal decompression and will be able to help reduce the pressure, which can, in turn, release the strain held on the nerves. Usually, this, mixed with some degree of physical therapy over a short period of time will alleviate the issue. If you’re looking for sciatica treatment and nerve therapy in Spring, come see us today and inquire about spinal decompression!