Headache and Migraines in Spring and Northern Houston
Are you dealing with persistent migraines and headaches which just don’t seem to go away? As you may know, headaches are more than just headaches. After all, your entire body is interconnected and therefore, even something like a headache can cause you further issues. Some of your symptoms of this may be; nausea, hallucinations, depression, noise sensitivity, invasive and persistent pain in your head, or vomiting. All of these can make you highly uncomfortable on a daily basis. When the nerves in your head are irritated, they can create discomfort in your back, neck, and jaw. Whatever the cause of your headaches, they need to be helped.
What Causes Headaches and Migraines?
There are many potential causes of headaches and migraines. First, we must differentiate by the two. Both are characterized by a feeling of throbbing or pain in the head, but migraines come in stages, last longer (between 4 and 72 hours), and are typically more severe in pain. They also tend to be a reoccurring problem rather than being dependent on other causes. Headaches should subside within a couple of hours of starting and may begin because of dehydration, malnutrition, stress, light-sensitivity, or any number of issues. Migraines are a neurological disease that typically come with other medical issues or long-lasting effects.
Since headaches are not persistent, they do not usually require medical care, only water and rest. Migraines, however, do require medical care and your migraines could be relieved by a chiropractor. Let’s look at how the American Migraine Foundation classifies each kind you may be experiencing.
Common Migraine (Migraine Without Aura)
This is the typical migraine in which your head will be throbbing, grow worse with activity, and you may experience nausea with it. This type of migraine has no warning phases or visual symptoms.
Complicated Migraine (Migraine With Aura)
A complicated migraine is the same as a common migraine, except the victim experiences stages of warning as well as aura, which is usually characterized by seeing black spots, zigzags, or numbness. Aura is the second symptom of migraine and comes right before the severe head pain.

Migraine Without Head Pain
You will experience aura and other symptoms, like nausea, dizziness, and visual disturbances, but without the head pain. This can be a very confusing experience.
Hemiplegic Migraine
This migraine feels more like a stroke and causes you to feel weak on one side of your body. The affected side becomes numb or pins and needles, while you experience visual symptoms as well.
Chronic Migraine
If your headache lasts more than 15 days out of the month, this is a chronic migraine. You may have a variety of symptoms but the common factor is the persistent pain.
Retinal Migraines
This is when you temporarily lose some of your vision. It is most common in women in their 20s and 30s, especially in ones who have been or are pregnant. Sometimes these women lose some of their vision for weeks or months, but it is usually reversible.
Ice Pick Headaches
These headaches are characterized by a sharp, sudden pain in your head. They never last very long, but they are extremely painful and shocking. If the affected area is above your ear behind your eye, you probably have ice pick headaches.
Cluster Headaches
Sometimes described as “suicide headaches”, these headaches are very painful and invasive. It usually affects your face, head, and temples, sometimes accompanied by swollen eyes or a runny nose. They tend to provoke other symptoms.

Cervicogenic Headaches
This means the headache is caused by pain that starts in your neck. Chiropractic care is especially effective for this type of headache, and physical therapy is usually recommended for these.
How Can Chiropractic Therapy Help?
North Houston Spine & Sports Medicine can help relieve you of your persistent migraines of any kind. Your body is an ecosystem that needs delicate attention and service. Since the base of your neck is where your spine begins and holds a cluster of nerves there, it is very easy for your spinal problems to affect your head. You’re not alone in your experiences. However, we don’t want you to have to experience this. Contact us today to relieve your persistent head pain.